Are you looking?
Are you looking for something ?
Are you looking for purpose in your life? Do you long for peace in your heart? Strength for everyday challenges or joy in life? Throughout your life, have you searched and tried to find something that would fulfill your inner longing?Answer is Jesus Christ.
God created man to live his life in connection with him, to have close relationship with God. But when Adam and Eve fell into the sin, this connection was lost. However, God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die for our sins on the cross. He died so that we could be reunited with our Creator by grace. By believing in Jesus, you will get your sins forgiven and peace in to your heart. Life with God brings you joy and freedom. God has a good plan for your life. He gives you a new future and hope. God loves you, give your life in to his hands!
You can ask Jesus into your heart by praying;
"Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me and bearing the punishment of my sins. I thank you for your forgiveness. I thank you, that you come into my heart and take control of my life. I want to trust you. Thank you Heavenly Father for welcoming me with open arms and giving me your Holy Spirit. I want to be a child of a living God. Amen"